Peace Corps Timeline

My Peace Corps Timeline

October 29, 2013: Pressed the “submit” button on my PCV application after working on it for two weeks. Submitted initial medical questionnaire an hour later.

November 18, 2013: References are received by the Peace Corps and I get an email saying they’ve reviewed my application and will be moving me forward! The email says my recruiter, Rob Orton, will be in contact to set up an interview (let the endless search of PCV blog posts commence).

December 5, 2013: Interview in Boston with Rob! It went great! Rob felt I would be perfect for the Primary Teacher Education program. After assessment of my interview answers, he will hopefully be sending me a nomination email in the next few days!

December 9, 2013: I get an email from Rob saying that I am nominated for service and should be receiving my legal kit in the mail soon! Departure date is November 2014 pending the clearance of all my medical and legal information.

December 24, 2013: Received my legal packet in the mail! Merry Christmas to me. I have ten days to get my fingerprints done and send it back to PC.

December 27, 2013: Got fingerprinted at the Police Station & UPS shipped my paperwork to PC headquarters the same day. The officer did not believe me that I needed both fingerprint forms completed, after much reassurance he finally listened to me! (Sorry, Sir, the PC is really picky!) Shipment should be there by 3pm Monday (12/30).

January 6, 2014: PC sends me an email telling me they received my legal packet in the mail.

May 30, 2014: A PC placement specialist, Christa George, sends me an email telling me she will be conducting the final assessment of my application in the coming weeks and asks me to answer questions in a document within one week. The questions were ones I heard in the interview asking about challenges I expect to face and how I plan to take them on, changes in legal and medical and romantic history since the interview, etc.

June 2, 2014: Received my Invitation to serve in UGANDA from Christa via email this afternoon.

June 4, 2014: Officially accepted my invitation to serve in Uganda. Staging & Training will be from November 10, 2014* (updated 8/19!)-January 25, 2015. I will be sworn in as a PC volunteer on January 25, 2015 and complete my  27 months of service on January 25, 2017.

August 27, 2014: Completed Medical Forms to be processed for final review/evaluation and clearance.

September 3, 2014: Official Medical Clearance from the PC Office of Medical Services!

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